Win by Focusing

Win by Focusing “And if I concentrate while he divides, I can use my entire strength to attack a fraction of his.” — Sun Tzu Spreading Yourself Too Thin Is a Losing Strategy You start a business, eager to serve as many customers as possible. At first, it seems like a smart move—after all, more […]

Win Where Others Aren’t Competing

Win Where Others Aren’t Competing “Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass what he defends, hit him where he does not expect you. To be certain to take what you attack is to attack a place the enemy does not protect.” — Sun Tzu You lower your prices, but customers still choose the bigger brand. You […]

Building Unstoppable Momentum

Building Unstoppable Momentum “When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum.” — Sun Tzu Have you ever faced a challenge in your business that felt impossible to overcome? Maybe it was trying to boost sales in a slow season, dealing with empty tables during the week, or finding the energy to keep […]

Finding Opportunity in Chaos

Finding Opportunity in Chaos This morning, as I was reading The Art of War, I came across this quote: “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” It made me think about the wild and rapid changes artificial intelligence is bringing to nearly every industry. For small businesses, AI is shaking up the way […]

Know Yourself, Know Your Competition

Know Yourself, Know Your Competition “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Sun Tzu’s advice isn’t just for generals—it’s a lifeline for small business owners. To build a business that lasts, you need to understand two things: your strengths and weaknesses, and the strategies […]

Winning Sustainably

Winning Sustainably This morning, I was reading The Art of War when I came across this line: “Your aim must be to take All-under-Heaven intact.” It’s a simple but profound idea. Sun Tzu is saying that the ultimate victory isn’t about destruction—it’s about achieving success while preserving the resources, relationships, and value that you aim […]