Leverage Changes Everything

Leverage Changes Everything “Thus one need use but little strength to achieve much… one must take advantage of the situation exactly as if he were setting a ball in motion on a steep slope. The force applied is minute but the results are enormous.” — Sun Tzu Running a small business can feel like an […]

Managing Teams Through Constructive Conflict

Managing Teams Through Constructive Conflict “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” — Sun Tzu Imagine walking into your business and sensing an unspoken tension. Two team members are barely speaking, tasks are slipping through the cracks, and the mood feels off. You hope it’ll blow over, but the […]

Building Unstoppable Momentum

Building Unstoppable Momentum “When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum.” — Sun Tzu Have you ever faced a challenge in your business that felt impossible to overcome? Maybe it was trying to boost sales in a slow season, dealing with empty tables during the week, or finding the energy to keep […]

Every Move Matters

Every Move Matters “In planning, never a useless move; in strategy, no step taken in vain.” — Sun Tzu If you’re like most small business owners I know, you’re busy almost all the time. The problem is that being busy doesn’t always mean being productive.  Days get filled with tasks that feel urgent but don’t […]

Competent Leadership, Cohesive Teams

Competent Leadership, Cohesive Teams When Leadership Breaks Down This morning, I read this from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War: “If one ignorant of military matters is sent to participate in the administration of the army, then in every movement, there will be disagreement and mutual frustration, and the entire army will be hamstrung…” Sun […]

Decision-Making from the Battlefield

Decision-Making from the Battlefield This morning, I was reading The Art of War and read this: “No evil is greater than commands of the sovereign from the court.” Sun Tzu warns against leaders making decisions far removed from the realities of the battlefield. For small business owners, you need to remember this: the further you […]