Win by Focusing

Win by Focusing “And if I concentrate while he divides, I can use my entire strength to attack a fraction of his.” — Sun Tzu Spreading Yourself Too Thin Is a Losing Strategy You start a business, eager to serve as many customers as possible. At first, it seems like a smart move—after all, more […]
Win Where Others Aren’t Competing

Win Where Others Aren’t Competing “Go into emptiness, strike voids, bypass what he defends, hit him where he does not expect you. To be certain to take what you attack is to attack a place the enemy does not protect.” — Sun Tzu You lower your prices, but customers still choose the bigger brand. You […]
Leverage Changes Everything

Leverage Changes Everything “Thus one need use but little strength to achieve much… one must take advantage of the situation exactly as if he were setting a ball in motion on a steep slope. The force applied is minute but the results are enormous.” — Sun Tzu Running a small business can feel like an […]
Delegation Done Right

Delegation Done Right “Do not charge people to do what they cannot do. Select them and give them responsibilities commensurate with their abilities.” — Sun Tzu Running a small business often feels like juggling a hundred tasks at once. You know you should delegate more, but it’s hard—whether it’s guilt about adding to your team’s […]
Managing Teams Through Constructive Conflict

Managing Teams Through Constructive Conflict “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” — Sun Tzu Imagine walking into your business and sensing an unspoken tension. Two team members are barely speaking, tasks are slipping through the cracks, and the mood feels off. You hope it’ll blow over, but the […]
Building Unstoppable Momentum

Building Unstoppable Momentum “When torrential water tosses boulders, it is because of its momentum.” — Sun Tzu Have you ever faced a challenge in your business that felt impossible to overcome? Maybe it was trying to boost sales in a slow season, dealing with empty tables during the week, or finding the energy to keep […]
Every Move Matters

Every Move Matters “In planning, never a useless move; in strategy, no step taken in vain.” — Sun Tzu If you’re like most small business owners I know, you’re busy almost all the time. The problem is that being busy doesn’t always mean being productive. Days get filled with tasks that feel urgent but don’t […]
Finding Opportunity in Chaos

Finding Opportunity in Chaos This morning, as I was reading The Art of War, I came across this quote: “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” It made me think about the wild and rapid changes artificial intelligence is bringing to nearly every industry. For small businesses, AI is shaking up the way […]
Visionary Leadership

Visionary Leadership “To foresee a victory which the ordinary man can foresee is not the acme of skill.” — Sun Tzu This morning, I was reading The Art of War, Chapter 4, and came across the story of Han Hsin. His strategy seemed absurd—his own generals doubted him, and the Chao army mocked him for […]
Focus on What You Can Control

Focus on What You Can Control This morning I read this: “That which depends on me, I can do; that which depends on the enemy cannot be certain.” — Sun Tzu This passage reminds me of the Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change […]
Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.” Timing can make or break a business. Sun Tzu understood this well—acting too soon wastes resources while waiting too long risks losing your advantage. For small business owners, knowing when to act is one of the hardest but most […]
Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch “The wrong person cannot be appointed to command. Lin Hsiang-ju, the Prime Minister of Chao, said: ‘Chao Kua is merely able to read his father’s books, and is as yet ignorant of correlating changing circumstances. Now Your Majesty, on account of his name, makes him the commander-in-chief. This is like glueing the […]